
10:46 AM
Don't forget! Tomorrow's a free pin day at Disneyland! Park opens at 8!

-Brett #


3:49 PM
Farscape fans are about to make history!

Airing next week in 24 cities is the "first ever fan-produced, fan-funded television commercial" to save a television show.

The commercial itself is a little embarrassing and I could have probably done a better job of it myself. While the ad may not win any awards, it'll definitely get us Farscape fans some much-needed media exposure!

Check out this article for more information!

-Brett #


5:13 PM
Woah. Nintendo, you guys are cuh-razy!

You get a high-five for that though!

-Brett #


4:04 PM
What an unfortunate shape and color for the 91 freeway express lanes! I'm referring to this map.

-Brett #

2:21 PM
Our escrow closes today! Hooray! The house is ours!

We're renting back to the sellers for a week, but we get the keys next Monday!

-Brett #

11:29 AM
Ever wonder exactly what planes are flying overhead? Neither have I! But now we can both find out!

-Brett #


4:29 PM
Drew is funny:

Visit him at http://www.toothpastefordinner.com/!

-Brett #

4:24 PM
Weekend weekend weekend...
Happen happen happen...NOW!

Didn't work. :(

-Brett #

11:06 AM
I am exhausted.

Yesterday work sucked. All it takes is one little hardware failure for the world to come crashing down and a flood of customer complaints to fly in.

I felt like an ass because I had to leave early. First I drove up to Pasadena to drop off some flyers at our mall cart. That was a 45 minute drive that should have taken 20.

Then I had to fly down to Anaheim in less than an hour to sign escrow papers. Tammy's still out of town, so I had to sign for her. And there were two sets of papers. I shit you not - I was signing our names for one full hour with no breaks. My hand is in great pain today!

After that I sped on over to the Anaheim Hills Saddle Club to drop off a deposit check for Tammy. Nutmeg moves in on the 1st!

Right after that I managed to make it (with a minute to spare!) to the new house to meet my realtor for the final walk-through. Luckily my realtor rocks, the people selling the house are incredibly awesome, and everything was perfect.

And then there was the drive home. There was this gigantic couch cushion just bouncing along the 91 freeway and it was one of those things that you just can't avoid because you're doing 70 mph and there's people around you and it's dark, so it came up and hit my front bumper before I knew what happened. So I spent an hour driving home worrying about how bad the damage was and how I was going to pay for it.

When I got home I couldn't find a single scratch! I'm one lucky guy!

So I've been rambling here, but I'm tired as hell today and you'll just have to deal!

Tammy comes back tomorrow, and she will make everything better!

-Brett #


5:43 PM
MAME 0.62 was released today!

Among other things, MAME now plays AREA 51! That's right! So how do you play Area 51 on your PC without a gun? You could use the mouse...or you could be a man and pick up one of these babies!

-Brett #

3:36 PM
Intel's 3GHz Pentium 4 is due this week.

Someday I will have money again, and that is the day I will buy a faster computer.

Oh hey, over the weekend a free beta for The Sims: Online was released. You have to make a free GameSpy account to download it (and then wait in line for two hours to START the 1.4 GIG download) but you can play free NOW before they start charging $10/mo for it in December. I played a little bit last night, and it's jerky as hell.

I don't know if it was just network lag or my slowish (800mhz, geforce2) computer. Probably the lag. Anyway, it's sorta fun. Try it! Add 'Brettface' to your friends list!

Whenever I try to view my (empty) friend list, the game crashes. That's fun! Maybe you'll be luckier than me! Hooray!

-Brett #


10:24 PM

Oh yes. What Fark cliche are you?

-Brett #


11:15 PM
Disneyland is all dooded up for Christmas! Hooray!

Disneyland's groundskeepers have bred an 'official' Disneyland Rose. It'll go on sale next year, and it looks like this!

-Brett #

10:11 PM

I'm only 20%. How black are you?

-Brett #

9:13 AM
I finished Metroid Fusion last night. The game was pretty fun, but it was way too short and lacking in depth! Not counting all the times that I died, it only took me a little over five hours to finish.

-Brett #


12:58 PM
Tammy's in Atlanta on business for the next 9 days. My sadness begins now.

-Brett #


5:41 PM
I need to whip out the ol' Palm V and start keeping track of my schedule again. You don't even know. I'm totally forgetting about so many things! I haven't used my Palm since I graduated in 2000, and I used it like crazy back then.

It kept track of all of my deadlines for classes, projects, whatever. I also loaded AvantGo on it so that I could read the news when things in class got boring! The stylus made it look like I was taking notes!

Good times.

-Brett #

5:28 PM

-Brett #

10:58 AM
At first I was a little pissed that that Measure B passed in LA County last night. LA's trauma care system basically ran out of money, and they had planned to shut down a bunch of hospitals to keep from going under. Measure B will keep most - if not all - of those hospitals open, but it'll do it by increasing residential property taxes by three cents per square foot.

Then I remembered that by this time next year I'll be living in Orange County, and suddenly I didn't mind so much!

-Brett #


4:54 PM
I get a real kick out of looking at old photos of Disneyland. A lot has changed since it opened in 1955, but a lot is still exactly the same as it was back then.

Like take this picture of Walt and Shirley Temple. I know exactly where that was taken! There's a drinking fountain on that pedestal now.

This construction photo of Main Street could have been taken a few days ago.

Tomorrowland hasn't been this busy in a few years!

Anyway, fun times!

-Brett #

12:03 PM
Nokia gets a big high-five for this!

-Brett #

10:30 AM
If you don't vote today, you have no right to complain about politicians for the next 12 months.

-Brett #


5:11 PM
Early screenshots from the first Dreamcast emulator.

You can run anything on anything these days!

-Brett #

3:38 PM
Get a free pin at DL on the 23rd!

Oogie Boogie's "Ghost Walk" Pin Event


On November 23, 2002 the Disneyland Resort will host Oogie Boogie's "Ghost Walk" Pin Event.

Where, oh where, could the Hitchhiking Ghosts be?

After a deathly rude awakening, the Hitchhiking Ghosts have decided to hit the road and "haunt" other "spirited" locations inside Disneyland Park.

Help Oogie Boogie find his ghoulish friends, before it's too late�
Trust us, you'll be dying to participate�

Beginning at park opening ghostly maps will be distributed at the Disney Showcase Patio (located near Town Square) on Main Street, U.S.A. inside Disneyland Park.

With the help of this "spirited" map, you'll be guided to six (6) "haunted" locations throughout the park. Guests that obtain all six (6) clues, must then find the Hitchhiking Ghosts final resting-place, to receive a commemorative event pin. In addition, Guests will also have the opportunity to purchase six (6) limited-edition "Ghost Walk" pins that represent each clue location. Pins will be limited to an edition size of 1500 each and will be offered from $10.50 to $12.50 each (limit two pins, per style, per Guest).

Individual "Ghost Walk" pins will be available at stores located near each clue location, the complete set of six pins will be available at the Premiere shop in Tomorrowland.

Hurry Back! We'll be waiting for you�

Oogie Boogie "Ghost Walk" pin event maps, commemorative pins & limited edition pins are available while supplies last.

No phone orders will be taken for this event.

As always, admission is required to enter Disneyland park.

-Brett #

3:18 PM
An surprisingly good CD to check out would be Bela Fleck's Three Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Banjo never sounded so good! Listen to the samples at Amazon. Good stuff!

-Brett #

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