
3:14 PM
Jabber support is coming to Trillian! FINALLY! I've been waiting for this for like...a year or something!

Check out the Trillian Developers' Journal for more info.

-Brett #

10:32 AM
Rocky's Boots from the Learning Company turns 21 this year. I played that thing all the time. It's probably still fun, even today.

21 years is a long time!

-Brett #

9:44 AM
According to this quiz on a scale of 0 to 100 where 0 is liberal and 100 is conservative, I'm a 12 which was pretty shocking.

Yet according to this quiz I'm more of a centrist:

I'm probably somewhere on the border.

-Brett #


12:50 PM
I forgot to register for E3 this year. I can't go now. They're a lot of work anyway.

Also, that cold sore never materialized. I think it was just a paper cut.

-Brett #


4:03 PM
Woah. I think I'm getting a cold sore on my lip. I never get cold sores! I think the last one I had was in 2001 or something.

I did have part of a Subway sandwich platter for lunch though...that might have something to do with it...

-Brett #


1:48 PM
Don't forget, today's the day to register for the Pirates Movie Event. I signed Tammy and I up for package C, and I'm already starting to feel like I got ripped off. We'll know for sure in July if I did!

-Brett #

1:26 PM
Mario Kart is coming to GameCube, and here are the screenshots to prove it!

-Brett #


5:01 PM


Here's the story behind it.

-Brett #

2:28 PM
We spent Easter at Tammy's parents'. That afternoon we went on a little hike in the hills behind their house. We also looked for and found another Geocache!

-Brett #

10:31 AM
If you're one of those weirdos who uses web-based email (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc) as a primary point of contact, you might find Web2POP to be a handy little tool.

-Brett #


7:18 PM
Disneyland just announced the details of their merchandise special event for the upcoming POTC movie.

$195 will get you dinner at the Blue Bayou and entrance to a panel discussion with attraction designers. I paid $85 for that (minus dinner) at the last special event for Pirates two years ago. Things sure got expensive all of a sudden.


-Brett #

4:17 PM
If you find yourself wanting to try the world's most perfect beverage, a pinapple smoothie, but can't seem to find a bar that serves it, reach for the next-best thing - a virgin pina colada daiquiri. Man those are good. UMNF!

-Brett #

9:41 AM
If you're looking for a less-expensive alternative to Hanaho's ArcadePC, the $999 X-Arcade Cabinet is one possibility!

-Brett #

9:14 AM
Secret development levels have been found in Zelda! You need an Action Replay to get to them, though.

-Brett #


3:10 PM
Is there any way to get Mozilla to use Microsoft's Java Virtual Machine instead of the shitty slow-ass one from Sun? God I sure hope so, because I can't take much more of these gray boxes on pages that take forever to load their classes and whatnot.

-Brett #


10:08 AM
The Cowboy Bebop movie is finally coming to the US! Jeesh man! It's about time!

It's been available on import DVD for more than a year with english subtitles, but I've been holding off on getting it until a proper dub with the usual English actors came out. It looks like my wait is nearing an end!

-Brett #


2:01 PM
Today's the last day to download this rocking Cool and Strange Thrift Store compilation! I'm glad I found it when I did!

-Brett #

1:47 PM
Chunk: Hey you guys, you gotta let me in.
Mouth: Jerk alert! It's Chunk.
Chunk: I'm not lyin'. I just saw the most amazing thing in my entire life!
Mouth: First you gotta do the Truffle Shuffle.
Chunk: Come on...
Mouth: Do it!
Chunk: Come on...
Mouth: Do it!

-Brett #

10:39 AM
It rained a little yesterday.

Tammy and I went Geocaching at Disneyland on Saturday. It was a virtual cache, and a little on the easy side, but still fun.

Looks like we won that whole war thing. Syria's next! We banged out Iraq in what...a month? We could take Syria in two weeks!

People sure are freaking out about this whole SARS thing. It kills less than 4% of the people who get it. Big whoop! Cancer kills almost everybody and ANYBODY can get it - not just people exposed to someone who has it already.

-Brett #


10:45 AM
The new Matrix trailer was released a little while ago.

You can download it here, or you can use this secret, unpublicized link to download the 96 meg ultra high-quality version!

Hoo boy, that looks like one sweet ass movie. May 15th! Movie trailers don't usually get me excited, but this one sure did. Check it out!

-Brett #

10:33 AM
I haven't had any problems with short battery life on my GBA SP, but apparently some people have... So Nintendo's soon going to start selling a high-capacity replacement battery that will supposedly increase battery life by 75%. I don't see a problem!

-Brett #


8:08 PM
I've been playing a lot of pinball lately. I wouldn't have been able to without Visual PinMAME and Visual Pinball.

The two programs work in concert - Visual Pinball takes care of displaying the tables (painstakingly recreated in digital form by their biggest fans,) and vpinmame emulates the original roms to light the lights, play the sounds, and even emulate the LED array display of the virtual table. Visual Pinball on its own is very cool. It lets you create pinball games of your own from scratch, no roms needed!

It's really cool! Check it out if you get a chance.

AJ's is a good place to go to download tables and roms, but beware the 'five-downloads-per-day' rule.

-Brett #


8:14 PM
Hey, did you know we've got a vice president? It's true!

His name is Dick Cheney! Remember? You may have forgotten about him, seeing as how he's basically disappeared from TV and other media outlets ever since September 11th, 2001.

Here's some pictures of what he looks like just in case you forgot!

-Brett #

12:46 PM
So yesterday Tammy and I went to the passholder preview of Winnie the Pooh.

I gotta say, I was a little let down. Cardboard flats and figures with such limited movement that they can't even qualify as AAs seem to be the new trend in Disney dark rides. Pooh replaces the 30-year old Country Bear Jamboree, and I would have thought they'd at least try to salvage some of those old animatronics for use in the new show. Looks like that didn't happen though.

Still, it's nice to see a new attraction going up (DL's first since the Rocket Rods 5 years ago - which itself closed permanently two years ago), even if it was done on the cheap. It's themed nicely to the area, and gives people a reason to walk to the extreme west side of the park, other than to ride Splash Mountain.

When we got home I watched about 15 seconds of the Cher concert. The audience was about 90% flamboyant men, and 10% old white women. Everybody seemed to be having a super time, even though Cher shows up in the "total crap" section of your music store.

Why don't they broadcast more concerts on TV? I'm sure it got good ratings, and there are people a lot more talented than Cher that could make a good show out of it.

Then this morning I woke up to American soldiers toppling a statue of Saddam. That was kind of cool, except for the part where one of our troops put an American flag over his face.

-Brett #


12:29 PM
I am in the mood for a huge slab of rare filet mignon right about now. I'm drooling just thinking about it. UMNF!

-Brett #


10:01 PM
Hah. Look what font I just found.


-Brett #


2:15 PM
When it comes to playing MP3s in Windows, Winamp can't be beat. Winamp was really the model for efficient, low-profile mp3 playback.

A few months ago, Winamp made the jump from like 2.81 to 3.0. 3.0 brought with it a whole bunch of new features, including video playback, insane new skinning options, and an auto-populating media library.

The problem is that while 3.0 *looked* the same as 2.x, the gracefully quick launches and small memory footprint were nowhere to be found. A pretty sizable chunk of people declared it bloatware right away and went back to 2.x. I installed 3.0 and have been using it ever since. It is a little slower, but not in ways that I've ever really noticed. Plus, I actually do use most of the new features.

Well it looks like Nullsoft was listening to the criticism, because today they've released Winamp 2.9 with most of the features included in 3.0. Notably absent is support for .wal skins, but maybe 2.91 will hook it up!

This makes a lot of people happy, and provides some decent competition to the hideously bloated and totally unncessary Windows Media Player.

-Brett #


3:44 PM
Disneyland has a live band and swing dancing every Saturday night. Sometimes Tammy and I drop by to listen to the great music and watch the kids dance. Actually there are a lot of old folks out there dancing too. It's a great scene.

Every now and then we see Doc Anello and his band playing, and they are by far the best that we've seen playing there. He's got this one lady, Luretta McCray, who just has one of the best jazz voices I've ever heard.

Anyway, Tammy called me up last night and goes "GUESS WHO'S PLAYING MUSIC AT OUR WEDDING?"
And I go "Who?"
And she goes "DOC ANELLO!"
And I go "WHAT!"
And I go "HOLY CRAP! Wow!"

His 10 piece band is unbelievably affordable. And unlike all of the other people we've been interviewing, we've actually seen Doc Anello play live and we know how good he is. Done deal!

-Brett #


1:37 PM
WANTED: One USB keyboard.

Must have built-in USB hub with at least two USB ports.

Applicants with lame-ass 'multimedia' buttons need not apply.
We are not looking for natural/ergonomic keyboards at this time.

-Brett #

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