
4:40 PM
Want to play 20 Questions with a computer? Do it. It's almost scary how good it is at guessing whatever it was you're thinking of.

-Brett #

2:23 PM
I seriously think that HP should give their printers away free. They've got a monopoly on the ink cartridge market already, and they'd just be getting more new customers.

I had to buy an ink cartridge last weekend and I practically shit my pants when I saw I'd need to spend a little more than fifty bucks to get one - and that's just for a single color cartridge - not including black.

If the ink was made from of the blood of sweatshop labor in India, it still wouldn't be worth anything near $50. Now I see why those inkjet refill spammers are so insistent that they'll save you so much money - they will!

-Brett #

12:01 PM
I got my hands on a copy of the Trillian 2.0 Beta2 today. Unfortunately, the only thing that I was looking forward to - Jabber support - doesn't work. It just won't let you add a Jabber connection, no matter what you name it.

They'll fix it before the public beta though, I'm sure. Still kind a bummer for now though.

-Brett #


2:28 PM
Battlestar Galactica wasn't a particularly exciting part of sci-fi history, but those Cylons were scary as hell. Now you can own one!

-Brett #

11:31 AM
Wow, Mang! There's a load of cool retro desktops and icons at Pixel Decor. Chickenhead has a whole bunch too, but they haven't posted any new ones in a while.

-Brett #


12:47 PM
Sony released some specs on their upcoming portable PSP today.

Built in wireless networking and 7.1 channel sound (why?) caught my eye. Nintendo's next Game Boy better kick some serious ass if they want to stay in the handheld game!

Actual photos of the unit or any information about its appearance won't surface until the next E3 in May of 2004. :(

-Brett #


11:57 AM
Saturday we started working on wedding favors. That's going to take a couple days to finish. Saturday night we went with Stacy and Steve to the Orange County Fair. It was a lot smaller than the LA County Fair, but the clientele wasn't nearly as seedy and the grounds seemed to be kept up pretty well. It was fun, and I got Dippin' Dots the "ice cream of the future" that I've never seen for sale anywhere BUT at a fair.

Sunday we worked on other wedding favors, but we mostly finished that batch.

Sunday we also saw Seabiscuit, which was a really good film that was only 5% about a horse. Really, the whole story was about a jockey, a trainer, and an owner. One of the better films I've seen in recent memory!

-Brett #


11:29 PM
A few quick TV notes-

The last season of Monk had much, much better writers than the current season. Did you see Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico a few weeks ago? Yeesh.

Sci Fi channel is spinning off a new show from Stargate SG-1 called Stargate: Atlantis. They'll have to dig deep to hire quality talent for this one, because I think SG-1's strongest selling point is its great cast...Except for that totally unconvincing doctor lady. They could stand to replace her I think.

Enterprise took a nose dive in the ratings last season, so there are going to be some major changes made in season three, all of which sound like not-very-well-thought-out ideas to me, but I'll wait to see what happens before I make a final judgement.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is actually very funny and you should check it out if you get Bravo! Although I hear rumors that it's headed to NBC pretty soon.

You know those people who love to tell you how they don't watch TV? You know how they like to slip it into conversation all the time? I can't stand those people. And some of the things they say in defense of their choice sound alarmingly similar to the guy in this Onion article. Anyway, those are the people who need Tivo the most.

-Brett #

8:17 PM
There's a fully scanned Gutenberg Bible online. Pretty cool!

-Brett #

1:34 PM
I think recall elections are dumb.

You don't like the job the governor's doing? Tough shit. Guess what - he's the governor. He won the vote. That means he can keep the job until his term is over. That's how a democracy works. Just grow up and get over it already. If you don't like what he's doing, don't vote for him in the next election. If you've got ants in your pants and absolutely have to have a new governor righthissecond, well you need to chill the frick out and move to Canada.

Recalls are the stupidest thing ever.

-Brett #


1:06 PM
Jack Handey never gets old.

-Brett #

10:16 AM
Doc Anello treated us to dinner at Maggiano's last night. We met with him and his assistant/friend to go over some of the details of our wedding's musical agenda. He's one heck of a nice guy, a fantastic musician, and he's Italian, which is a plus.

-Brett #


4:13 PM
I just took a test to find my "Inner European" and I wasn't even on the chart:

You are not European
You are not European.

What's your Inner European?
brought to you by Quizilla

-Brett #

3:49 PM
Man, why does everybody like Radiohead so much? I just don't understand.

-Brett #

1:03 PM
Meet Richard Sandrak, the six year old with a six-pack.

I am scared that he exists, and I wonder how much jail time his parents had to do.

-Brett #


2:01 PM
Still no reports on any Farscape announcements at ComicCon...

Henson's next big production is a film called MirrorMask, and they'll be showing clips of it at ComicCon later today. Here's a teaser photo from some magazine.

-Brett #


7:47 PM
Farscape coming back? At least as a four-hour miniseries. Allegedly.

What I really want is a fifth season, but whatever. The ratings sucked, so I doubt I'll ever see any more of the greatest show in the history of television. :(

-Brett #

4:56 PM
Pirates have keyboards!

-Brett #

1:55 PM
Fox's Banzai is one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen. Non stop hilarity. Highly recommended and two thumbs up from me!

-Brett #


5:08 PM
Free pin tomorrow at DL.

-Brett #

3:14 PM
Shit dude. I think I might have narcolepsy!

I used to think that being narcoleptic meant falling asleep without warning, but apparently that only happens in extreme cases!

I don't have sleep paralysis, daytime hallucinations, or cataplexy, but I do have EDS! (Excessive daytime sleepiness.) That's one of the four symptoms. Yeesh!

-Brett #


12:33 PM
I've been planning our honeymoon over the past few days using the invaluable Unofficial Guide to WDW 2003. The book tells you where to go and when to do it, all with the ultimate goal of beating the crowds, standing in the shortest lines, and eating at the best restaurants both in and out of the parks. There's a small chapter at the end about Islands of Adventure too, which saves me from having to buy another book.

And it's official. Tammy and I will be swimming with dolphins at Discovery Cove on our last full day in Orlando. DC limits attendance to about 1000 guests per day, so I was a little worried that tickets wouldn't be available when I checked this morning. Luckily they've still got plenty left, and all of September is still wide open for reservations! Right on!

-Brett #

10:33 AM
I just found a handy little utility that'll let you use WinAmp 2 input plugins in WinAmp3! On this page, scroll down to download wa2input.exe.

This means that I can finally listen to things like VQFs and NSFs without having to rely on a separate player! Joy!

-Brett #


11:26 AM
I just tried out LCARS Mail. First of all, it doesn't even use the right font. Secondly, it's not a very good email program.

The LCARS interface may look great on a television or movie screen, but I'd have a hard time arguing that it could be used for anything that mattered in the real world. Though god knows people have tried.

-Brett #

10:08 AM
Two big birthdays coming up:

Tuesday, July 15th, the NES turns 20 (yes 20) years old.

Thursday, July 17th, Disneyland turns 48 years old.

-Brett #


11:29 AM
Last night we were at Downtown Disney for the DLR's Pirates of the Caribbean merchandise special event.

Unlike past events, we didn't actually buy any merchandise this time because A- we have no money, and B- anything worth getting was at least $300.

As we waited in line to get our picture taken we found ourselves standing behind Tony Baxter, the Imagineering VP that I saw at Borders on Sunday. How weird is that.

Waiting in the theater was fun because they gave us all pirate caps, eye patches, and earrings to play with. Popcorn and a drink were included too. Also there were pirates running through the aisles cracking jokes and stealing purses.

The movie itself was pretty good. The cgi was particularly well done, as the cursed pirates transformed seamlessly from flesh to bone and back again as they walked in and out of the moonlight.

I still have some issues with the ticket price vs the actual value of the event, and I made sure to yell about it on the evening's comment form, but for the most part it was a pretty fun time.

-Brett #


11:03 PM
We saw Finding Nemo this morning. I was expecting greatness, but left the theater with a ho-hum feeling about the whole thing. I guess I just felt like most of it was kind of boring. I wouldn't say that I disliked it - but I do think it's probably my least-favorite Pixar movie.

It wasn't very funny, and while the undersea sets were gorgeous, I longed for some variety in scenery instead of the big blue nothingnes that was everywhere. Worth seeing? Sure! Once.

There was a teaser before the film for Pixar's upcoming The Incredibles, which you should check out online if you can, because it looks hilarious.

-Brett #

9:59 PM
I saw a local celebrity today, just five minutes from my house at Borders. As soon as we walked in I saw a guy who looked a little familliar, but I wasn't really sure where I had seen him. When I moved in for a closer view, I recognized him instantly. It was Tony Baxter, Senior Vice President of Creative Development at Walt Disney Imagineering.

There's a good photo of him at the top of this old article. (Incidentally, he was wearing the same striped shirt today that he had on in that picture.) I didn't say anything to him. He was checking out the drama section of the DVDs. He was in there for a really long time, so I think he was looking for something specific.

I picked up a copy of the Cowboy Bebop movie and just finished watching it a little while ago. It was pretty good - like an extended version of a regular episode. If you liked the series, you'll like the movie.

-Brett #


11:33 AM
Tammy just sent me an interesting link to a photo of a baby born with four legs, three hands, and three kidneys. It doesn't have a name yet, but I think they should call it Shiva, for obvious reasons!

-Brett #


1:56 PM
There's a traffic light on a freeway on-ramp that I take every day, and it has been messed up for months. A few months ago there must have been an accident or something, because that light no longer faces the people who need to see it (people waiting on the on-ramp to get onto the freeway). All it needs is for someone to loosen a bolt, rotate the light 90 degrees, and tighten the bolt. No big deal.

So today I did some research and submitted a maintenance request for CalTrans online. We'll see how long it takes them to actually fix it!

-Brett #

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