11:24 AM
It looks like someone has written an XBox emulator for Windows called Xeon. It only plays one commercial game right now - Halo - but that should be enough from what I've seen of the XBox game catalog!
11:21 AM
I've decided that I like bluegrass music...but I only like the songs without singing, which effectively means that I don't like 90% of bluegrass music.
If anyone knows of any good instrumental artists in this genre, please let me know. I'm already a fan of Bela Fleck, which strictly speaking isn't bluegrass at all, but man that guy can sure play a banjo.
10:09 AM
I had my bachelor party yesterday. We arrived on-time to see The Price is Right, but there were just too many people there (some camped out since 9 the night before) for us to make it in. So basically what happened was that all 10 of us met up in the CBS parking lot, then we all drove up to Magic Mountain and spent the day there. That was seriously awesome.
They've added so many new rides since I'd been there last it was unbelievable. I think that helps to cut down on long lines too, because we mostly just walked right on to everything!
X is the god damned scariest roller coaster I've ever been on in my life. It is seriously INSANE. I didn't know what the hell was going on the whole time I was on it. It was just nuts. You should ride it.
2:02 PM
Apparently GunBound's main English site, gunbound.net, has been down for the past day or so. If you want to download the client, here's a direct link that does work.
There's also is a mirror up at if you want to view the rest of the site.
6:47 PM
I just found an AWESOME game called GunBound. It has commercial-quality graphics and sound, and it's crazy fun! If you remember playing Scorched Earth way back-in-the-day, you know what you're in for. The best part is that it's totally FREE - so seriously, check it out!
4:28 PM
Back in high school I used to listen to Mr. KFI on the radio. He ran a show with no guests, no topics, and no screeners. It was hilarious.
Since then he has switched stations and become Mr. KABC. Same format, different station.
If you want to hear something totally funny, listen to Charlie Hero, a bit in which Mr. KABC has asked his listeners to call in and share their Charleton Heston stories.
1:29 PM
So it looks like the folks over at ADV Films aren't as hopeless as they would have us believe!
They've just announced plans to release a Farscape box set for season two! (Season one has been out for a long time.) Previously they had only been releasing individual episodes of seasons 2-4, and buying those separately is a helluva lot more expensive than just buying a box that's got everything in it already. So yay! Now I have hope for seasons three and four...I'll just have to wait like two or three more years for those to happen.
12:54 PM
I finished the wedding favors this weekend, and only had to take two days off of work to do it! But that's behind me now, so I can relax. Maybe. Next weekend I'm moving most of my stuff from Palos Verdes to Anaheim, so that'll be just as insane I'm sure.
Saw some movies this weekend-
Gangs of New York: Sucked. Too long, too boring, and the characters were just not believable at all. Needlessly gory.
Two Weeks Notice: Funny and well written. Hugh Grant was made for romantic comedies.
The Life of David Gale: An anti-death penalty message wrapped in a very well conceived film. Very clever story that took me a few minutes to fully understand once it was all over. Tammy helped me out though, because I'm a little slow sometimes.
I really like hamburgers. I think I had three or four this weekend. I love hot dogs too. I'm not sure which I like better, but I think the dogs have it by a nose.
10:27 AM
You know, I'm not really sure why I used to like Final Fantasy so much... The games were great on the Super Nintendo, but the PSX/PS2 versions always got really boring and/or hard after the first few hours. Too many battles.
Anyway, here's a funny flash movie about the phenomenon.
12:33 PM
What would happen if someone took the ending to every 80s movie, mixed together all the cliches, and wrote a script that put them them all into one short film?
3:45 PM
Los Angeles needs a new freeway. Just look at this map. There's a need for it, and there's land for it.
It needs to run east-west, and it needs to lie smack-dab between the 60 and 91 freeways, cutting right through Whittier. It can run from the 405 all the way out to the 71.
They can call it the 6 freeway, because my birthday is June 6th and I came up with the idea. Also I will be driving on it every day.
2:46 PM
Here's another great reason to give a fake telephone number to everybody in the world, unless you're buying something from them or have a personal relationship with them.
I surprised her with dinner at Napa Rose. It felt strange to use the front entrance of the Grand Californian, valet and all, because we're so used to walking in on the Downtown Disney side. Man that place is beautiful.
Anyway, we walked over to Napa Rose and our friends Stacy and Steve were there waiting for us - just as I had planned back when I made our reservations a week ago! I never told Tammy of course, so that was surprise number two! VIP tickets to the Arabian Nights dinner show in Orlando were the final surprise of the evening.
We had a really great dinner at Napa Rose. Steve and I both got the "Sauteed Wild King Salmon with Lobster Risotto and Champagne-Basil Essence" and Tammy and Stacy both got "Skillet Seared Angus Beef Tenderloin Wrapped in Applewood Smoked Bacon with Black-eyed Peas and Crispy Fried Vidalia Onions." We were stuffed and broke by the time we left, but we all had a great time.
8:44 AM
The first public beta of Trillian 2.0 has just been released. Unlike the private beta, Jabber actually works in this one! This round of testing is open to anyone with an active Trillian subscription ($25/yr).
They go on and on about all the fancy new features added since the last version, 1.0C, but the only one that I actually care about and will use is the Jabber plugin. It seems to be working pretty well so far.
If you're not a paying member, you can download it from trillian.net.ru. Gotta love those Russians.
4:04 PM
I just got my profit-sharing check for this quarter, which is great, because we desperately need money right now with the wedding and honeymoon coming up.
We almost doubled our earnings last quarter. If you're looking for a good web host - nay, a GREAT web host - with financial stability and unbeatable service, you should check us out at www.DreamHost.com. :)