2:03 PM
I got some really neat presents this year for Christmas, but the coolest gift by far would have to be the sweet five-string banjo that Tammy got me.
It's a cheap one, perfect for learning without making too much of a financial commitment, just like I wanted. Finding someone who teaches banjo locally is pretty much impossible, so luckily it also came with an instructional DVD.
I've been messing around with it, trying to get a feel for the thing, learning some basic rolls... It's tricky! I've ordered some picks and a tuner, so within the next few days I can start practicing in earnest.
10:51 AM
The final release of Dolphin, the world's only GameCube emulator, was released this week. Sadly, it's not complete...however the screenshots are rather breathtaking.
10:47 AM
Think you live in a safe neighborhood? Think again.
Check out California's online sex offender database! No town is spared! Hell, I've got a child molestor living just a mile away from me! Creepy mugshots included.
Trust me on this one, folks - ignorance is bliss. Once you see all of the blue dots pop up in your neighborhood, you'll never look at it the same.
9:35 PM Anarchy Online is a reasonably popular MMORPG that's been around for a while. Like most MMORPGs, it has a monthly subscription fee of $14.95 per month. Annoying.
If you register for an Anarchy Online account between now and January 15th, 2005, you can play free of charge until January 1st, 2006! Go do it!
You pay enough monthly bills for all sorts of things already - playing video games shouldn't be one of them!
2:34 PM JavaHMO is an open-source replacement for Tivo's own home media software. No warranty-voiding modification of your Tivo is required to use it.
If you don't mind running a dog-slow Java application in memory all the time, it's actually pretty useful. It adds support for streamed Internet radio stations, local movie listings, even RSS feeds.
I've spent a little bit of time reading their website and apparently their products claim to "leverage industry process models," "mitigate risk," and "reduce cost with an affordable solution."
That's all very impressive sounding, but there's not a screenshot to be found anywhere. Not one! Why can't they just tell you what their software does? Is it so hard to explain in a sentence or two?
I don't know if it's really the 'best' email client out there, but it beats the hell out of Eudora, Outlook, The Bat, and, well...Okay, yeah, it is the best email client out there.
10:46 AM
Last night we spent a ridiculous amount of money buying gas logs for our fireplace.
Ever since we moved in in 2002, our fireplace has been empty. Completely empty. Oh sure, there's a gas line in there, but the previous owners never saw fit to actually use the fireplace for anything more than holding candles.
After two Christmases with no fire in the fireplace, we couldn't take it any longer. We broke down and ordered the Forest Oak series from Anaheim Patio & Fireside last night. They look a lot better in person than they do in those photos.
8:07 AM
Historically, if you wanted to install a modchip in your PlayStation 2 you needed to solder it to the mainboard with something like 14 individual wires. 14 wires! That's 14 chances for you to screw something up with a soldering iron.
X-Box modchips have for a long time been 'solderless,' usually requiring just a clip or two that hold the connections in place through pressure - and no soldering skills required.
The DMS4 E.Z.I. is the world's first PlayStation2 Solderless modchip. Pricing hasn't yet been announced.
In a fantastic twist of Engrish, "EZI" stands for "Effort Zero Installation".