
7:46 PM
Variety's whipped up an online tribute to Disneyland's 50th. Expect to see Disneyland all over the news this week as the 50th celebration kicks off on Wednesday for the media, and Thursday for everyone else.

Technically Disneyland's 50th birthday is on July 17th, but I guess "050505" seemed like a better day to celebrate the big "50".

-Brett #


11:40 AM
The Hot Dog Rollup looks like the smell alone would send you into instant cardiac arrest. Nevertheless, I wouldn't mind eating one.

-Brett #

10:24 AM
Game & Game, the makers of the super awesome Shot Online have three other totally free multiplayer online games that look super sweet.

Navy Field is a tactical simulation of WWII ocean battles, d.o looks like a Final Fantasy-ish game, and Legend of Mir3 looks like a pretty fancy Diablo clone. Based on the screenshots I think the last two haven't been translated to English yet, but I will investigate this weekend!

-Brett #


10:45 AM
According to an anonymous Czech musician, Diablo III is in the works.

Check out the post on April 27th at Diabloii.net.

-Brett #


10:42 PM
Just a follow up to my previous post...

WDR appears to have been taken by surprise by the insane interest in the CD box set - so much so that they're now releasing a new 'Special Edition' of the set.

Producer Randy Thorton chimes in with an explanation.

This just makes those gold vinyl albums that much more valuable!

edit: The non-limited edition is item #61589 at DisneyDirect.

-Brett #

10:41 AM
For Disneyland's 50th anniversary, they're releasing a beautiful six-CD boxed set of theme park audio, complete with a hardcover book explaining the history of the CDs' contents. The whole she-bang is $124.99.

But wait, there's more. The first 5000 of these box sets will also include a gold vinyl reproduction of the exceedingly rare "Walt Disney Takes You To Disneyland" album from 1956, the first album ever released by Walt Disney Records.

3000 of these first 5000 sets will be available at Disneyland itself on or around the launch of the 50th celebration next Thursday the 5th, and 1000 will be available at WDW. The remaining 1000 have been set aside for online sales and are available for purchase NOW at DisneyDirect. (Search for item number 61499. If it doesn't come up, they're sold out.)

DD has already sold roughly half of their allotment in two days, so if you'd like to guarantee yourself a copy of that highly-sought after golden record you should really order it now.

This $125 item is already up to $174 on ebay, so there's money to be made, for sure.

-Brett #

9:59 AM
LA is actually Mexico according to channel 62.

-Brett #


11:53 AM
Google maps on your Tivo! You can pan, zoom, snap to zip codes, and even toggle between maps and satellites.

-Brett #

9:27 AM
I'm not sure how this keeps happening, but Angels tickets keep falling into our lap!

Last night our season-ticket-holding next-door neighbors invited us to watch the Angels beat the Indians 2-0.

I'm beginning to think that there are no bad seats at Angels Stadium. No matter where we end up sitting we always have a sweet view of all the action!

-Brett #


1:55 PM
When live-action role players tell themselves they can act, you wind up with movie trailers like this one.

Oh god! Fully grown adult nerds with Nerf swords are storming the soccer field!


-Brett #

9:35 AM
If my house had a basement I'd turn it into the ultimate arcade room, complete with black-light carpeting and a change machine.

-Brett #


4:27 PM
Internet video camera EXTRAVAGANZA.

For maximum fun, add '2130r' to the end of your query.

-Brett #

2:58 PM
Wow that was fast. NEOflash is the first flash card for the Nintendo DS.

Details are sketchy, but at this point it's rumored to use a special bootcart in the DS slot and a second card in the GBA slot that can be used to store either GBA or DS games.

UPDATE: Photos are now posted at the site above. NEOflash appears to be a product of the XGFlash people, complete with the SlimLoader and problematic removable cart battery. This is probably a product worth avoiding for that reason alone, especially with alternate DS firmware like this in development.

-Brett #


4:13 PM
Sirius may have just lost Air America, but they're gaining Martha Stewart.

Man, XM is really getting clobbered in the programming department lately. It seems like all the big names are signing with Sirius. Guess I made the right choice!

-Brett #

9:44 AM
Holy crap you sure can squeeze a lot of stuff into 64k these days.

Check out this invitation for Assembly '05. I didn't realize they still held Assembly competitions, but I guess they do!

-Brett #

9:37 AM
Today's a crazy day in the world of mergers and acquisitions!

Adobe buys Macromedia for $3.1 billion.
GameStop buys Electronics Boutique for $3.8 billion.
Google and Yahoo are taking an interest in Tivo.

-Brett #


2:48 PM
Congratulations! You're 125 proof, with specific scores in beer (20) , wine (50), and liquor (104).

Screw all that namby-pamby chick stuff, you're going straight for the
bottle and a shot glass! It'll take more than a few shots of Wild
Turkey or 99 Bananas before you start seeing pink elephants. You know
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Link: The Alcohol Knowledge Test written by hoppersplit on Ok Cupid

-Brett #

10:55 AM
Starting today through April 30th, if you sign up for Shot Online and use SpazRobot as your referral ID, I get money! Not REAL money of course, but in-game money that I can use to buy myself better clubs!

But wait, there's more!

If you reach level 10 before April 30th (very easy to do!) we'll both get $500,000 in the game, and that's a lot!

Free games of this caliber don't come along that often, so sign up today and start playing! Or signup without playing, so I can get the kickback! Thanks!

-Brett #

10:05 AM
I was thinking a little bit over the weekend about what Tivo could do to improve their position in the market, and it hit me - thin clients!

Each household would have just one or maybe two 'real' Tivo units - the things you can buy now. Every other TV in the home would use a "TivoLite" box - a smaller version of Tivo that's not capable of recording video on its own. In fact, TivoLite wouldn't have any inputs at all - it'd just stream pre-recorded video wirelessly from the 'real' Tivo units located elsewhere in the home. You wouldn't be able to watch live TV on these Lite units, but few people with Tivo do that anyway...and if they needed to, they could just go watch it on their main TV.

If TivoLite was an actual product on the market, I'd buy two today!

-Brett #

8:53 AM
We went to two Angels games over the weekend, unfortunately they lost both to the Kansas City Royals.

The first was on Friday night

And the second was on Sunday afternoon

Yay for blurry cameraphones!

Sitting on the club level is great. The security is tight to keep the riff-raff out, and in-seat service means you'll never have to leave your seat to get food.

-Brett #

8:47 AM
Disneyland just announced the packages for the 50th anniversary merchandise special event. The cheapest of the four is $495, or $390 with an annual pass, so I doubt we'll be attending!

-Brett #


9:26 AM
I'm afraid to use $2 bills to pay for stuff. Every single time I've done so the cashier has never seen them before and doesn't believe that they're real.

A Best Buy in Lutherville, Maryland, actually had a man arrested for paying $114 in $2 bills. Arrested!

-Brett #


9:21 PM
The free Disneyland DVD highlighting the 50th anniversary is shipping now. Get yours today!

-Brett #


4:02 PM
If you don't already own a GBA flash card and happen to have a CompactFlash card laying around, then you may be interested in the SuperCard, an inexpensive ($40) piece of hardware that'll let you load GBA ROMs onto a regular CompactFlash card and then play them in a GBA.

-Brett #

10:14 AM
The other day in the supermarket I picked up some concentrated juice to try it out. It turns out those little frozen 12oz cans in the freezer aisle are holding some seriously delicious juice inside of them!

Langers Summer Blend is quite awesome. It's 100% juice with no added sugar or anything. I look forward to trying the Autumn, Winter, and Spring blends as the months go by.

Minute Maid Fruit Punch on the other hand, is truly awful. It's only 5% juice and loaded with sugar. You would think that all the sugar would make it taste better than the 100% natural stuff from Langer's, right? Well you would be wrong. It's horrible.

Over the coming weeks I will be trying new varieties of these frozen juice concentrates and will report back my findings!

-Brett #


9:21 AM
Mail in rebates may soon be a thing of the past.

Best Buy will be the first to put an end to them.

-Brett #


2:54 PM
It looks like USBExtreme - the HDLoader/Advance equivalent for slimline PS2s - has been cracked and released onto the internet as a downloadable .elf file.

No mod chip required. To use the downloadable cracked version, though, you'll need to buy an Action Replay Max Evo, available at any Toys R' Us or GameStop for $40.

-Brett #

2:12 PM
Looks like another Final Fantasy concert is coming to Los Angeles in May. According to Ticketmaster more than enough good seats are still available.

-Brett #

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