
1:25 PM
Trulia is a totally free combination of Google Maps and open real estate listings.

Unfortunately Trulia's listings don't always link to working URLS with complete MLS data, but it's a start!

I had no idea there were so many houses for sale in my area!

-Brett #

10:20 AM
If you've got bulky items around the house that you don't need anymore and you don't have an easy way of getting them to a donation center, you can schedule a free pickup from SATruck.com. The Salvation Army will come and haul your stuff away free of charge, and in return you'll get a receipt that'll come in handy at tax time.

In my area the Salvation Army is the only charity that will actually come to you to pick up your donations. This made me happy! It also meant I didn't have to rent a truck to haul that old couch to a Goodwill store.

-Brett #


3:40 PM
Have you been watching SG-1 at all this season? I don't know if I like where it's headed. I like Ben Browder as much as the next guy, but when they took O'Neill and Hammond out of the picture it just became a completely different show. They shouldn't have killed off the Goa'uld, 'cause the Ori just aren't doing it for me.

Although the guy who plays the Doci is one hell of an actor.

-Brett #

10:13 AM
1up has a nice preview of Shadow of the Colossus. It comes out October 18th, just three weeks from today. I'm excited, and I know you know already.

-Brett #


11:34 AM
Tammy's been out of town on business, so Saturday I was flying solo at my boss' wedding.

At the altar

First kiss

The reception (open bar!)

Huge floral centerpieces!

I don't know what this is, but the salsa band used it.

I've never met a cake I didn't like.

The first dance.

It was a great party. I stayed till almost one in the morning.

Sunday I helped my father in law set up his new iPod. I accepted payment for my services in the form of all-you-can-eat-meat at the brazillian BBQ!

When you flip this thing green-side-up, that's like saying "Yes, waiters! I am still hungry and I demand you serve me some form of meat."

Prime rib? Sure! Cut me a chunk off of your meat sword, my good man! Make that two chunks!

-Brett #


9:30 AM
DJ Shadow fans should not miss this video of Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt and Changeling played live by a high school band.

-Brett #


3:12 PM


Tell me those aren't the cutest frigging cats you've ever seen in your life.

-Brett #

3:02 PM
TiVo Anywhere lets you stream video recorded on your Tivo to any computer with an Internet connection. Pretty snazzy!

-Brett #

10:26 AM
Oh Nintendo, why are you so good at separating me from my money?

I was so proud of my GBA SP - possibly the most perfect handheld gaming system ever made. I play it all the time and have successfully resisted purchasing all other forms of handheld entertainment! I'm proud of myself for not succumbing to the fragility of the PSP, the sheer retardedness of the DS, and the eye-squintery and hand-crampery of your GBA Micro.

No sir, the GBA SP was the one for me! That was of course, until this morning, when I saw that you've refreshed my beloved SP by throwing in an even more vibrant screen with not one, but two brightness settings.

I'll get one of course. And while I may love you dearly for giving my old friend a facelift, know too if we ever meet in a dark alley I will do my best to recover the $80 you've made me spend.

-Brett #


9:13 AM
Hangin' with Conan.

That ugly couch is gone now.

Isn't this what weblogs are for?

-Brett #


11:30 AM
Blingo is a front-end for Google, but with Blingo you can win prizes just for doing searches!

Like Google, the Blingo site is completely devoid of advertising except for Google's own ads, so making the switch is easy!

Prizes range from free movie tickets to PSPs.

If you refer a friend and they win a prize, you get that same prize!

Be cool and sign up! You don't even have to surrender any personal information unless you win a prize! You have nothing to lose!

-Brett #


10:34 PM
Nintendo is going back to their roots with the recently-announced Revolution controller.

It's awesome! It's small, wireless, and it looks like an old-school NES controller - one of the best console controllers ever according to me! They could have just ditched the analog stick instead of making it a separate add-on, but hey, whatever.

Anyway, I'm excited!

EDIT: Here's a promotional video that shows some potential uses for the motion-sensing feature of the controller. I don't know about you, but I'm not looking forward to waving my arms all over the place when I play games... Let's hope they don't end up using that feature too much...

-Brett #

8:51 AM
For years DisneyWorld has hosted a marathon through all four of its theme parks.

Starting in 2006 Disneyland will host a half-marathon through Anaheim that starts and ends in both parks.

-Brett #


3:28 PM
Thank you Rick Wilking for taking this picture, and thank you Reuters for blowing it up.

-Brett #


9:50 AM
Coinstar machines are wonderful devices that take your loose change and turn it into cash. The only problem is that they charge you an 8.9% 'convenience fee' every time you use Coinstar services.

That changes today! You can now redeem your spare change for gift cards at places like Amazon and Starbucks and they'll waive that fee entirely.

-Brett #


1:08 PM
Windows XP originally shipped in two flavors - Home and Professional. Later on Microsoft confused the issue by introducing the Tablet PC Edition, the Media Center Edition, and the x64 Edition. Five different SKUs for what is essentially the same product.

You'd think that with Windows Vista they'd end this retardation and just release a single, unified installation disc that'd install "Windows Vista" and be done with it.

Sadly, this is not the case, as they intend to provide Windows Vista in seven different flavors. Seven!

-Brett #


12:37 PM
As the PlayStation2 nears the end of its useful life, there's really only two games I'm looking forward to playing before the PS2 gets packed in a box and shoved in a closet.

We Love Katamari comes out Tuesday the 13th. Awesome.

Shadow of the Colossus comes out about a month from now and may be the most gorgeous PS2 game ever created. Good god man! These screenshots are breathtaking.

Absolutely beautiful.

-Brett #


11:18 AM
The iPod Nano is a worthy replacement for the iPod Mini...but maxing out at 4GB, it's nothing more than a high-priced novelty!

Come on guys! Just kill flash based players and be done with it. The DAP industry seriously needs to move on!

-Brett #


3:58 PM
Mandolux has some really nice high-resolution wallpaper... Click 'Dual' if you're flying with two monitors; 'triptych' if you've got three. Of course they all look good on a single screen too...

-Brett #

1:38 PM
Bob Denver, TV's Gilligan, Dead at 70

-Brett #

1:35 PM
Back in the day when consumer-grade FRS radios were relatively new, it wasn't uncommon to pay an insane amount of money for a single radio.

Tammy and I had a pair of Motorola TalkAbout 250s that, at the time, sold for like $85 a piece. We took advantage of a few "hot deals" so that we didn't pay anywhere near that price, but the point is they were expensive and they really didn't need to be.

This weekend I took a look into how far FRS radios have come, and I was really impressed!

For starters, it's basically impossible to buy an FRS-only radio anymore. Every manufacturer seems to have integrated FRS/GMRS together in all their radios - depsite the fact that GMRS radios require an FCC license to operate. (I'd bet that at least 90% of people on the GMRS frequencies are unlicensed.)

Increased competition from companies like Cobra and Xact have driven prices on these things into the ground over the past few years. You can buy a bare-bones radio that'll transmit up to two miles away for literally $10 nowadays.

Yesterday I ordered a PAIR of decently-equipped Motorola radios for just thirty five bucks! A few years ago that wouldn't have been enough to buy half of ONE radio. Friends, we are living in the FUTURE!

Motorola makes a ton of two-way radios - most of which are completely identical - but they seem to perform consistently well.

The T5500AA had a pretty good feature-set, and was on sale, so I figured what the hell. They claim to have a five-mile range under ideal conditions, but I'm sure it's closer to two.

I have no idea when we'll ever use these, but hey, as we just saw in New Orleans crazy shit can happen when the power's out and cell phones don't work.

-Brett #

10:07 AM
The latest version of Winamp, 5.1, includes "Predixis MusicMagic Mixer." All you have to do is pick one song from your music library, and Predixis will then search through every other song in your library to generate a custom playlist based on the "key acoustical attributes" of your original song.

I'm not super sure how it works, but it's pretty accurate.

-Brett #


9:54 AM
Effective today, Disneyland's annual passes just got a little more expensive - $20 across the board. However discounts on food have been greatly expanded. Premium passes get 15% off just about everywhere (up from 10%) and Deluxe and SoCal passes get 10% off everywhere (up from 0%).

A printable list of discounts is over at http://www.disneyland.com/ap/

-Brett #


12:38 PM
Patients being evacuated from a New Orleans hospital are being attacked by sniper fire!? Are you kidding me? What the shit is that?

-Brett #

9:55 AM
We did dinner and Disneyland with Tammy's parents last night. We ate at Catal and as soon as we sat down we realized we were just two tables away from Eric McCormack and his family. I'm not a Will and Grace fan, but hey a celebrity sighting is a celebrity sighting! We were eating outside on the upstairs balcony.

I tried to be discrete, so these pictures are shit.

His head is between the two arms-

You can't really tell, but his face is reflected in the window here-

Exciting times! Living in Southern California I never see famous people, so when I do it's an event.

-Brett #

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