4:00 PM
Now that Thanksgiving's come and gone the King of Jingaling has resumed his weekly postings of vintage Christmas albums over at FaLaLaLaLa.com. There was some really awesome stuff posted last year, so keep your eyes peeled for something new every Saturday!
10:11 AM
I finished Castlevania: Curse of Darkness last night. I thought it was pretty solid all the way through - very satisfying! The Innocent Devil system wasn't as tedious as I thought it would be and combining items to build awesome weapons turned out to be lots of fun.
I definitely felt it was much better than the mediocre reviews would have you believe.
I'm going to attempt to move on to Dragon Quest VIII now. I'm really not the RPG fan that I once was, but so far it's been fun. I died about ten times before I was able to finish the first "easy" mission, though, so it's no cakewalk!
1:59 PM
I think I can safely recommend the Hoover SteamVac.
I messed around with it over the weekend and it worked pretty well. Lots of smaller stains have disappeared completely, and the ones that were there before have been lightened up considerably - to the point where you really have to look to see them. It still doesn't look like a brand new carpet, but there's only so much wear-and-tear a carpet can take, I guess.
When I had finished cleaning, the carpet was dry to the touch! That's suction!
As well as it worked, I think that for smaller jobs the Spot Bot might be more appropriate. It's much less work - but better suited for fixing up a small area rather than cleaning an entire carpet.
8:46 AM
For three hours Saturday night I sat mesmerized at the Barclay Theater as Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer melted my brain by doing things with a banjo, bass, and piano that should have been impossible. We dragged both sets of parents out with us, and they had a great time too.
After a year-long break the Flecktones will start touring again in 2006, and January will see a new album from the band.
3:57 PM
Hot on the heels of this week's infamous South Park episode, a Penthouse article from 1983 talks to L. Ron's son about the origins of Scientology.
Penthouse: There was no church when he wrote the book?
Hubbard: Oh, no, no. You see, his goal was basically to write the book, take the money and run. But in 1950, this was the first major book of do-it-yourself psychotherapy, and it became a runaway best-seller. He kept getting, literally, mail trucks full of mail. And so he and some other people, including J. W. Campbell, the editor of Astounding Science Fiction , started the Dianetics Research Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey. And the post office kept backing up and just dumping mail sacks into the building. The foundation had a staff that just ran through the envelopes and threw away anything that didn't have any money in it."
3:24 PM
Looks like relief is on the way for slimline PS2 owners. The HDCombo is a replacement case for the slimmer PS2 that'll enable you to hook up a standard IDE hard drive, just like the original PS2. Details are sparse, but the official site will probably become active soon at http://www.hdcombo.com/.
10:30 AM
It turns out that shampooing a carpet is a big ordeal that'll probably eat up a whole day, so I decided to wait 'till the weekend. More on this situation as it develops.
4:22 PM
Lately I've taken an interest in trying to save my carpets at home from an early death. They're not in horrible shape, but there are a few stains here and there that have always bugged me. We really don't have money to rip everything up and replace it, so Operation This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things is now underway!
The Eureka Optima may not win any awards for looking cool, but holy cow it's the greatest vacuum I've ever owned. I just picked it up at Costco over the weekend and have been amazed at how much dirt it picks up.
It's bagless, so it's got one of those clear tanks in the front that shows you how much has been picked up. I was up late last night vacuuming and having the time of my life. Just two days after our cleaning lady vacuumed our house this thing managed to suck itself full in no time at all. Every few minutes I'd stop, take out the tank, then run to show Tammy and we'd both go "Eeeww." Also I think Tammy threw up in her mouth once.
The Eureka is pretty small to begin with, but it shrinks down even smaller for storage purposes - and it only weighs 11 pounds! In a world where good vacuums routinely sell for over $200, I snagged this little wonder at Costco for just 54 bucks.
The second phase of Operation TIWWCHNT begins tonight. UPS just delivered a Hoover SteamVac which I'm hoping will revitalize some of the more high-traffic areas of the carpet and extract some of the stains that have been there since we've moved in three years ago. I literally spent hours researching this purchase, because apparently most carpet shampooers are built like American cars - shittily! With lots of leaks! And frequent repairs! Insert favorite American car joke here!
Both of these purchases would never have happened if it wasn't for Amazon's review system. I could have just gone to Target and picked up whatever looked big and tough, but no! I put up with waiting a week for UPS to deliver the goods because I had to get something that was rated four and a half stars on Amazon.
If the Hoover carpet cleaner is anywhere near as awesome as the Eureka vacuum was, expect to read all about it tomorrow!
11:33 AM
We've been hiring like crazy lately, and it's usually my job to order computers for the new employees.
I usually get Dell Dimensions, but today I was checking out their Optiplex line and was pleased to see that you can actually choose from one of three different cases.
12:13 PM
I missed the first episode, but part 2 of 2 of an incredible episode of Trading Spouses is on tomorrow night.
How do I know it's incredible? Because a 43 second preview has been making the rounds on the Internets lately. You can find it on Fox's site. Click the 'watch video' link on the lower right.
2:20 PM
Although I've never actually been there, I've always heard strange rumors about the Foxfire restaurant, just five minutes from my house. Tammy's told me more than a few stories about some of her out-of-town coworkers who have been in town on business and go to Foxfire expecting to eat a delicious steak dinner. Well they get that dinner, and some unwanted attention too.
It turns out that the place is a well-known cougar den, a joint where older women hang out to hook up with younger guys. These places are all around us, it seems!
7:41 AM Castlevania - Curse of Darkness hits shelves today. And while it's not getting the greatest reviews I still plan on checking it out. I mean come on - it's Castlevania!
If you enjoy the series, be sure to check out The Castlevania Dungeon the web's oldest and largest archive of Castlevania information!